Automatic Networking

What if, given my profile, an app could automatically and accurately network me -- virtually?

Marmalade AI is automatic and accurate. Marmalade AI runs cloud functions against your existing profile to create a virtual network. All you need is your profile. It is automatic and accurate.

Beta: This will be free subscription service during beta starting later in 2024. After beta, "active subscribers" can contact other people topically, but only if the contacted person is open to it. "Passive subscribers" will only be able to receive connection; not make them. Either way, you control who can contact you, when, and about what. Monetization? All we know at this point is that people should only pay if they're using the app: "pay for use."

The Marmalade AI app in beta is just for people specializing in UX design, digital marketing, and machine learning. Yes, there will be other specializations. We'll expand later, but to get started, there needs to be a narrow market focus. So if that is not you, please mention us to friends who do specialize in these fields.


Reflect what you do!

Specialists connect virtually with specialists to share work and stay current.

Marmalade AI gives you a network that reflects you.


Be effortless!

Change your profile and your virtual network automatically changes.

Using your profile, Marmalade AI automatically creates an accurate virtual network.